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Bản tin thế giới ngày 01/10/2013

 Giá chào bán xuất khẩu HDG Trung Quốc suy yếu

Theo nguồn tin cho biết, giá chào bán xuất khẩu HDG Trung Quốc  đã tiếp tục suy yếu do người mua rút khỏi thị trường để chờ xem diễn biến xu hướng giá trong thời gian tới. Một vài thương nhân dựu báo giá HDG có thể sẽ tăng lên lại sau Lễ Quốc Khánh (1-7/10) do các nhà máy đã hạn chế chuyển hàng tới thị trường giao ngay thêm nữa.

Hiện tại, mức giá có thể chấp nhận được đối với HDG DX51D  1.0mm là  655-660 usd/tấn FOB Thượng Hải, thấp hơn 5 USD/tấn so với mức giá của Plats vào ngày 18/9.

Một thương nhân miền Đông Trung Quốc cho biết công ty Ông đã bảo toàn được vài đơn hàng nhỏ trong thời gian gần đây. Trong khi đó, hiện tại có một vài nhà máy đã ngưng chào bán rộng rãi ra thị trường. “ Các nhà máy đang lạc quan về giá thép sau kỳ nghỉ Lễ, do đó, các hoạt động chào bán có thể sẽ tạm thời vắng mặt vào thời điểm này.

Một thương nhân lớn khác tại Thượng Hải  cho biết , hiện tại, lượng hàng HDG có sẵn cho xuất khẩu rất ít và các nhà máy có thể sẽ chào bán lại rầm rộ sau kỳ nghỉ Lễ này. Tuy nhiên, áp lực từ giá nội địa suy yếu sẽ còn là một trở ngại lớn đối với thị trường xuất khẩu trong tương lai.

Trong ngày hôm qua (30/9), Giá HDG  DX51D phủ 80 g kẽm/m2 tại thị trường giao ngay Thượng Hải đạt mức 4.480-4.540 NDT/tấn (729-738 USD/tấn ) xuất xưởng đã gồm 17% VAT, không đổi so với ngày thứu năm tuần trước (26/9) nhưng giảm 10 NDT/tấn so với ngày 25/9.

Trong khi đó, một thương nhân lớn khác tại Thượng Hải đã tăng giá chào bán HDG thêm 10 NDT/tấn do dự báo triển vọng thị trường lạc quan sau Lễ.

Hàng tồn kho thấp có thể hỗ trợ thị trường HRC Trung Quốc sau Lễ

Theo nguồn tin cho biết, trong ngày thứ hai vừa qua (30/9), thị trường HRC nội địa Trung Quốc vẫn ổn định do các thương nhân không sẵn lòng hạ giá chào bán vào phút cuối mặc dù nhu  cầu tiêu thụ vẫn chưa khởi sắc.  Thậm chí, có một vài thương nhân còn tăng giá chào bán thêm 10 NDT/tấn bất chấp sức mau trì trệ.

Cụ thể, trong ngày, giá HRC Q235 5.5mm tại thị trường Thượng Hải và le Cong (Quảng Đông) đạt mức lần lượt 3.470-3.500 NDT/tấn (564-569 USD/tấn) và 3.580-3.600 NDT/tấn (582-586 USD/tấn) đã gồm 17% VAT, giảm đồng thời 10 NDT/tấn (3 USD/tấn) so với tuần trước.

Chính Quyền Thượng Hải đã bắt đầu kiểm soát giao thông trong thành phố kể từ chiều ngày hôm qua và hầu nhưu các công ty cũng đã bắt đầu nghỉ Lễ từ giữa trưa. Thêm vào đó, đa số các công ty đều cân bằng tài khoản của mình vào cuối tháng, do đó, rất khó để chốt được  bất kỳ đơn hàng nào trong ngày cuối tháng 9, một thương nhân Thượng Hải cho biết.

Trong khi đó, một thương nhân khác tại Thượng Hải còn  tăng giá chào bán HRC thêm 10 NDT/tấn do tin rằng giá sẽ tăng lên sau lễ với sự hỗ trợ từ hàng tồn kho thấp,  mặc dù người mua chưa sẵn sàng chấp nhận mức giá này. “ Các thương nhân có thể sẽ tích trữ lại hàng do hầu nhưu họ chỉ còn một lượng nhỏ hàng có sẵn”.

Theo báo cáo, hàng tồn kho HRC tại 33 thành phố lớn Trung Quốc đạt mức tổng cộng 4.02 tấn vào ngày 30/9, thấp hơn tuần trước 40.500 tấn.

Trong khi đó, vào ngày hôm qua, nhà máy Shagang cũng đã thông  báo chính sách giá  của nó là có thể giảm  giá HRC tháng 10 thêm 150-200 NDT/tấn do mức chênh lệch lớn giữa giá xuất xưởng và giá thị trường, một thành viên thị trường cho biết.

Giá HRC giao ngay Hàn Quốc dự báo tăng

Theo nhận định, giá HRC giao ngay tại thị trường nội địa Hàn Quốc có thể sẽ tăng lên vào tháng này do các nhà phân phối đang chuẩn bị nâng giá chào bán. Dự báo giá có thể sẽ tăng thêm khoảng 20.000-30.000 Won/tấn (18.5-28 USD/tấn ) so với tháng trước.

Trong cuối tháng 8, nhà máy Posco, một nhà sản xuất HRC lớn của Nhật Bản đã thông báo tăng giá HRC nội địa tháng 9 thêm 30.000 Won/tấn. Tuy nhiên, lần tăng giá này đã vấp phải thất bại  do nhu cầu tiêu thụ yếu.

Hiện tại, vấn đề liệu giá có thể tăng lên vào tháng 10 này hay không vẫn còn là một câu hỏi lớn. “ Nhu cầu tiêu thụ tính cả các người dùng cuối vẫn còn quá yếu để có thể nâng giá thêm với mức này”, một thương nhân Seoul nhận định. Gía xuất khẩu HRC gần đây đã giảm, do đó, người tieeut hụ có thể sẽ từ chối trả thêm cho hàng nội địa.

Trong ngày 30/9, gía HRC SS400 3.0mm do nhà máy Posco sản xuất đạt mức 740.000-750.000 Won/tấn (689-698 USD/tấn). Trong khi đó, giá chào xuất khẩu cho mặt hàng HRC SS400B >=3mm đạt mức 530-540 USD/tấn FOB, giảm 10 USD/tấn so với giữa tháng 9.

Thị trường CRC nội địa Trung Quốc trở lại trầm lắng trước Lễ

Hiện tại, giá CRC nội địa Trung Quốc đã xuất hiện dấu hiệu ổn định ssau khi giảm 20 NDT/tấn vào cuối tuần qua (27/9). Được biết, có một vài thương nhân đã ngưng chào bán do bước vào Lễ Quốc Khánh (1-7/10).

Trong ngày 29/9, gía CRC SPCC 1.0mm giao dịch tại Thượng Hải đạt mức 4.320-4.400 NDT/tấn đã gồm 17% VAT, thấp hơn giá Platts hôm thứ năm (26/9) 20 NDT/tấn. Trong khi đó, tại thị trường Le Cong (Quảng Đông),giá mặt hàng này đạt mức 4.330-4.380 NDT/tấn, giảm 10 NDT/tấn so với ngày 24/9.

“Đà giảm liên tiếp của giá thép cây giao kỳ hạn trong khi sản lượng thép thô tăng đã khiến cho tâm lý thị  trường trở nên suy yếu. Trong bối cảnh đó, vài thương nhân đã hạ giá chào bán xuống để thúc đẩy doanh số nhằm hạn chế tổn thất thêm nữa, một thương nhân Thượng Hải cho biết.

Theo báo cáo, hàng tồn kho CRC tại Le Công đã tăng lên trong mấy tuần qua do lượng hàng chuyển ra thị trường này tăng lên trong khi sức mua tì trệ, do đó, đây vẫn sẽ là một áp lực lớn đối với giá CRC sau Lễ.

Một thương nhân trong khu vực cho hay, “ giá giao dịch trên sàn điện tử đã đóng lại trong suốt tuần, do đó, không có dấu hiệu gì cho thấy giá có thể tăng lên, và giá CRC có thể sẽ ổn định trong suốt 2 ngày giao dịch cuối tháng 9.

Một chuyên gia phân tích thị trường tại Thượng Hải nhận định, gía CRC chưa thể tăng lên được sau Lễ và vẫn sẽ giảm trong tháng 10 này.

Theo thống kê của CISA, sản lượng thép thô hàng ngày Trung Quốc trong ngày 11-20/9 đã tăng thêm 0.66% so với tháng 8, đạt mức 2.14 triệu tấn, mức cao nhất trong 3 tháng qua. Và điều này có thế sẽ gây sức ép tới thị trường giao ngay thêm nữa.

Nhà máy Feng Hsin Đài Loan trở lại bán hàng và giữ nguyên giá thép cây ổn định

Một trong những nhà máy thép cây lớn nhất Đài Loan, Feng Hsin Iron & Steel, đã bắt đầu tham gia bán hàng trở lại trong ngày thứ hai sau khi rút khỏi thị trường vào tuần trước. Nhà máy này đã chọn giải pháp giữ nguyên giá đối với mặt hàng thép cây do nhận thấy giá phế thế giới bình ổn, nguồn tin từ nhà máy này cho biết.

Nhà máy Feng Hsin đã duy trì gái thép cây ở mức cách đây nửa tháng 17.600 Đài tệ/tấn (594 USD/tấn) xuất xưởng Đài Trung. Họ cũng đưa ra dự báo rằng các đơn hàng sẽ vẫn chậm wvào thời điểm này. “ Các khách hàng dường như sẽ tiếp tục xa lánh thị trường trong tuần này. Trong 2 tuần trước, các đơn hàng cũng rất vắng do xu hướng thị trường thiếu chắc chắn.

Nhà máy Feng Hsin đã ngưng bán hàng nội địa và không báo giá trong tuần trước dựa vào những tín hiệu mâu thuẫn từ thị trường phế và thép cây trong nước. Nhà máy này cũng giữ nguyên giá thu mua phế HMS I/II (80:20) không đổi ở mức 10.100 Đài tệ/tấn trong ngày thứ hai (30/9).

Theo báo cáo của The Steel Index, gía nhập khẩu phế 80:20 Đài Loan cũng đã giảm 4 USD/tấn so với tuần trước, đạt mức 343 USD/tấn CFR giao tại cảng Đài Loan trong ngày thứ sáu (27/9).

Gía thép cây miền Bắc Trung Quốc tăng trở lại

Trong  ngày hôm qua (30/9), giá thép cây miền Bắc Trung Quốc đã tăng nhẹ trở lại sau khi giảm liên tiếp vào tuần trước đó do người mua đã tăng thu mua hàng tích trữ để chuẩn bị bán hàng sau kỳ Lễ Quốc Khánh (1-7/10).

Tại thị trường Bắc Kinh, giá thép cây HRB400 18-25mm do nhà máy Hebei Iron & Steel (Hegang) sản xuất đạt mức 3.370-3.380 NDT/tấn (550-552 USD/tấn) đã gồm 17% VAT, tăng so với mức giá 3.340-3.360 NDT/tấn thứ sáu tuần trước (27/9). Tuy nhiên, giá hiện tại vẫn thấp hơn 150 NDT/tấn so với đầu tháng 8.

Một thương nhân Bắc Kinh tin rằng giá giao ngay sẽ tăng lên do sức mua tăng. Mặc dù nhiều khách hàng của ông đang tìm kiếm loại thép cây cỡ chuyên biệt có lượng hàng hạn chế, tuy nhiên, Ông cũng đã nhận được nhiều đơn hàng các loại thép cây cỡ khác.

Trong khi  đó, đa phần các thương nhân khác đều đã rút khỏi thị trường do Lễ, và cũng có một số nâng giá bán trong suốt hoặc sau Lễ Quốc Khánh.

Một thương nhân khác cho biết, các thương nhân lớn đều đã hoàn thành việc mua hàng tháng 10  từ các nhà máy, giải phóng họ khỏi tình cảnh thanh khoản bị thắt chặt trong Qúy Cuối. Điều này đồng nghĩa với việc họ không cần phải cạnh tranh giá để bào toàn đơn hàng.

Trong khi đó, một số nguồn tin dự báo rằng thị trường tháng 10 sẽ mạnh hơn do dự báo thanh khaonr nới lỏng vào đầu Qúy tới. Tuy nhiên, số khác vẫn giữ cái nhìn tiêu cực về tình hình thị trường tháng 10 do nhu cầu tiêu thụ vẫn chưa có tín hiệu hồi phục.

Được biết, giá thép cây giao kỳ hạn tháng 1/2014 tại sàn Shanghai Futures Exchange cũng đã tăng 0.3%, đạt mức 3.587 NDT/tấn sau khi rớt giá 1.02% vào cuối tuần trước.

Giá giao ngay thép không gỉ austenitic Trung Quốc giảm do nhu cầu tiêu thụ chậm

Theo nhận định, giá giao ngay thép không gỉ tại thị trường Phật Sơn tỉnh Quảng Đông Trung Quốc đã giảm gần như suốt tháng 9 do sức mau trì trệ. Trong tháng qua, giá mặt hàng này đã mất khoảng 600-800 NDT/tấn (98-130 USD/tấn).

Cụ thể, giá HRC 304 3mm đã giảm 600-700 NDT/tấn tronggg tháng qua, xuống còn mức 14.700-15.200 NDT/tấn (2.390-2.471 USD/tấn ) trong ngày 30/9. Trong khi đó, giá CRC 2mm cũng đã giảm 700-800 NDT/tấn, xuống còn 15.700-15.900 NDT/tấn cùng ngày.

Tương tự, giá CRC 201/2B 1-2mm  hàm lượng niken thấp cũng đã giảm 200 NDT/tấn trong tháng qua, đạt mức 10.200-10.400 NDT/tấn trong khi giá CRC 430/2B 2mm giảm 100 NDT/tấn, xuống còn 8.700-8.900 NDT/tấn đã gồm 17% VAT  trong ngày 30/9 theo đà suy yếu của mặt hàng CRC 300.

 Các thành viên thị trường cho biết, các giao dịch đã chậm lại trong tháng 9 sau khi giá thép không gỉ austennitic bắt đầu xu hướng giảm kể từ cuối tháng 8 do giá niken cũng đã xuống mức thấp dưới 14.000 USD/tấn. “ Gía niken gần đay ổn định nhưng nhu cầu tiêu thụ vẫn yếu”, một thương nhân Hongkong cho hay.

theo nhận định, giá đang đi đúng hướng sau khi đã tăng lên hơn 1.000 NDT/tấn trong giữa tháng 8, mặc dù giấ có thể tăng lại bao nhiêu vào thời gian tới vẫn chưa biết.

Được biết, giá niken giao dịch bằng tiền mặt tại sàn London Metal Exchange cũng đang dao động giữa mức 13.500-14.200 USD/tấn. Trong ngày 27/9, giá chốt mặt hàng này đạt mức 13.880/5 USD/tấn.

Gía xuất khẩu thép không gỉ Trung Quốc bình ổn do thị trường trì trệ

Trong ngày thứ hai vừa qua (30/9), giá xuất khẩu thép không gỉ austennitic Trung Quốc hầu như không  đổi so với tháng trước do tình hình giao dịch tháng 9 đã trở nên chậm chạp sau khi giá tăng lên vào tháng 8.

Cụ thể, giá chào bán xuất khẩu HRC 304 3m đạt mức 2.100-2.200 USD/tấn FOB Trung Quốc, không đổi so với tháng trước. Trong khi đó, giá CRC 304 2B 2mm đạt mức 2.250-2.350 USD/tấn FOB, bị thu hẹp lại so với mức giá tháng 8 2.200-2.400 USD/tấn FOB.

Theo nguồn tin cho biết, giá chào bán  xuất khẩu HRC và CRC cuối tháng 9 đạt mức lần lượt 2.150-2.300 USD/tấn FOB và 2.400-2.480 USD/tấn FOB, tuy nhiên, mức giá này vẫn chưa thể thu hút đượck khách hàng do nhu cầu tiêu thụ tháng 9 đã chậm hơn so với tháng trước.

“Các đơn hàng thật khó để chốt. Chúng tôi vẫn tiếp tục chào bán giá cao nhưng mức giá mà người mua có thể chấp nhận được thấp hơn giá chào bán khoảng 100-150 USD/tấn”, một thương nhân Quảng Châu cho biết. Gần đây, Ông đã chào bán HRC và CRC với giá lần lượt 2.300 USD/tấn FOB và 2.400 USD/tấn FOB.

Một thương nhân HongKong cho biết các khách hàng của Ông đã chào mua với giá 2.100 USD/tấn CIF Đông Nam Á đã gồm phí vận chuyển 30-40 USD/tấn và thấp hơn đối với mặt hàng HRC. “ Những mức giá này quá thấp so với chunsgt ôi, do đó, không thể chấp nhận được”.

Hồi cuối tháng 8, giá thép cuộn austenitic đã tăng thêm 50-150 USD/tấn so với tháng 7 theo đà tăng của giá nội địa, và sau đó nó đã bắt đầu giảm cùng với sự suy yếu của giá niken.

Giá gang thỏi Trung Quốc giảm trong bối cảnh thị trường suy yếu

Theo nguồn tin cho biết, giá gang thỏi L8 và L10 ở tỉnh Hà Bắc Trung Quốc đã giảm 50-100 NDT/tấn (8-12 USD/tấn) trong 1 tháng qua cùng với suy yếu của thị trường thép nội địa.

Trong ngày 30/9, các đơn hàng gang thỏi được chốt ở mức 2.550-2.600 NDT/tấn, giảm so với mức 2.650 NDT/tấn ngày 2/9.

Một thương nhân Thượng Hải cho hay có thông tin về gia schaof bán 2.800 NDT/tấn tại tỉnh Sơn Đông, tuy nhiên, không có đơn hàng nào được chốt. Gía chào bán gang thỏi tại Sơn Đông vẫn thường cao hơn gái tại Hà Bắc 200 NDT/tấn do họ chỉ phụ thuộc hoàn toàn vào nguyên liệu quặng nhập khẩu.

Trong tháng 10, xu hướng thị trường thép Trung Quốc vẫn không chắc chắn, và dự báo giá gang thỏi có thể tiếp tục giảm.

Trong tháng 8, sản lượng gang thỏi hàng ngày Trung Quốc đạt mức 1.93 triệu tấn/ ngày, khoogn đổi so với tháng 7 nhưng sản lượng cả tháng cao hơn cùng kỳ năm ngoái 11.1%, đạt mức 59.92 triệu tấn. Trong 8 tháng đầu năm, Trung Quốc đã sản xuất được 480.38 triệu tấn, tăng 6.6% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái.

Thị trường nhập khẩu phế Mỹ của Ấn Độ vẫn trầm lắng

Các nhà buôn phế Mỹ cho biết đã nhận được nhiều đơn hàng hơn từ các nhà nhập khẩu Ấn Độ nhưng vẫn chưa sôi động do đồng Rupee chưa đủ mạnh để có thể mang họ trở lại thị trường.

Theo nguồn tin cho hay, gía có thể chấp nhận được đối với mặt hàng phế vụn xuất khẩu từ Mỹ đạt mức 370 USD/tấn CFR Nhava Sheva. Trong thời gian gần đây, có vài  đơn hàng được chốt do đồng Rupee đã dần trở lại ổn định. Hiện tại, tỷ giá USD/Rupee là 1 USD= 62 Rupees trong khi hồi đầu tháng 9 là 69 Rupees.

Một thương nhân Ấn Độ cho biết “Thị trường nhập khẩu phế HMS vẫn trầm lắngvà chỉ có vài giá chào từ Trung Đông và Châu Phi, đạt mức 330-350 USD/tấn  tùy vào chất lượng và xuất xứ. Ông cho rằng thị trường sẽ vẫn trầm lắng vào tháng 10 hoặc hơn thế nữa, dựa vào các kỳ Lễ Hội do người mua xa lánh thị trường mặc dù sản lượng có giảm.

Trong khi đó, một thương nhân Ấn Độ khác  thì lại có cái nhìn lạc quan hơn về triển vọng thị trường sắp tới. Ông cho rằng nhu cầu tiêu thụ sẽ tăng lên cả trong nước lẫn khu vực Đông Nam Á.

Thị trường Ấn Độ nhìn chung đều đồng tình rằng sự rớt giá của đồng nội tệ đã gây tỏn thất cho các nhà máy Ấn khoảng 20 USD/tấn, và khối lượng hàng nhập khẩu phế Mỹ vào Ấn Độ vẫn thấp cho đến khi giá phế Mỹ xuống mức thấp hơn.

Thép tấm Italia duy trì mức giá tăng gần đây do nguồn cung hạn chế

Các nhà sản xuất thép tấm Italia vẫn đang giữ giá sau khi đã nỗ lực tăng thêm 50 EUR/tấn kể từ cuối tháng 07 do phôi tấm tăng giá và nguồn cung khan hiếm. Các nhà cán lại người Italia đã thống nhất mức giá giao dịch là 520 EUR/tấn xuất xưởng cơ bản, nhưng theo nguồn tin khác xác nhận rằng một số giao dịch thậm chí còn có giá 530 EUR/tấn xuất xưởng cơ bản.

Mặc dù sức mua vẫn chưa có nhiều sự cải thiện ở thời điểm này nhưng các nhà cán lại Italia đã đạt được mức giá mới do chi phí nguyên vật liệu đầu vào cao hơn, ngoài ra còn do nhà máy Palini e Bertoli với công suất 35.000 tấn thép tấm/tháng nhưng nay lại tạm ngưng hoạt động khiến nguồn cung khan hiếm.

Được biết hiện nay các khách hàng chỉ mua đủ số lượng họ cần nên cho dù giá nhập khẩu có giảm đi chăng nữa thì họ vẫn sẽ không thu mua nhiều. Theo một vài nguồn tin cho hay hàng nhập khẩu vào Italy đang có giá khoảng 440-450 EUR/tấn CIF Italia, chủ yếu là từ Trung Quốc nhưng do thời gian giao hàng kéo dài đến tận tháng 01 năm tới nên không ai muốn mua cả vì quá nhiều rủi ro.

“Các khách hàng thực sự chỉ đang mua đủ số lượng họ cần ngay và các nhà cán lại có thể giao hàng với thời gian tối đa đến 1 tháng. Là một thương nhân tôi không quan tâm đến rủi ro, thị trường chưa có sự bùng nổ, xu hướng không rõ ràng và do sức mua yếu nên không có một tín hiệu nào cho thấy giá sẽ tăng trong thời gian tới, thêm vào đó hiện nay giá trị đồng euro tiếp tục tăng giá so với đôla Mỹ khiến tôi không nghĩ là tỷ giá giữa hai đồng tiền này sẽ vẫn duy trì tại mức 1,35 hoài được”, một thương nhân lý giải.

Các nhà máy ở Đông Âu đang chào bán tới Tây Âu với giá khoảng 490 EUR/tấn xuất xưởng cơ bản nhưng với chi phí vận chuyển 40 EUR/tấn thì xem ra Italia vẫn có giá cạnh tranh hơn.

NLMK và ArcelorMittal thông báo tăng giá tấm mỏng Mỹ

Hôm thứ Hai, NLMK USA và ArcelorMittal đều đồng loạt đưa ra thông báo mới về việc nâng giá tấm mỏng, có hiệu lực ngay.

Trong thư gửi đến các khách hàng của mình, nhà sản xuất NLMK đã đưa ra mức giá thấp nhất cho HRC và CRC lần lượt là 670 USD/tấn ngắn và 770 USD/tấn ngắn.

Đồng thời, ArcelorMittal USA cũng đã thông báo đến các khách hàng hôm thứ Hai về việc nâng giá HRC, theo đó mức giá thấp nhất hiện nay là 680 USD/tấn ngắn và CRC cũng tăng lên 790 USD/tấn ngắn. Các mức giá này có thể được áp dụng cho tất cả các đơn hàng trong thời gian tới với thời gian giao hàng trước ngày 31/12/2013. Các giá trên đây đều là giá xuất xưởng.

Hiện nay giá HRC và CRC tại Platts vẫn còn ở mức lần lượt là 640-650 USD/tấn ngắn và 745-755 USD/tấn ngắn. Tất cả các giá này đều là giá xuất xưởng từ một nhà máy Trung Tây (Indiana).

Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ tiếp tục tăng cường nhập khẩu phôi tấm để sản xuất HRC

Các nhà sản xuất thép cuộn cán nóng của Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ đã đặt mua một khối lượng lớn phôi tấm từ Anh, Thụy Điển, Brazil và CIS trong năm ngoái và xu hướng này có lẽ sẽ được tiếp diễn do giá phế tiếp tục “leo thang”, trong khi đó các nhà máy lại đang phụ thuộc quá nhiều vào nguồn cung bên ngoài.

Các nhà máy cán nóng ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ đang thu mua phôi tấm do giá HRC không đủ cao để có thể cho ra lợi nhuận khi sản xuất theo quy trình của lò hồ quang điện (dùng phế). Mehmet Cakmur, giám đốc bán hàng của MMK Metalurji đã nhấn mạnh điều này tại một sự kiện ở Istanbul trong tuần trước rằng các xưởng sản xuất bằng lò hồ quang điện ở Iskenderun của MMK đều đã tạm ngưng hoạt động vì lý do này.

Kết quả là lượng phôi tấm nhập khẩu từ các nước khác tăng lên đáng kể. Chẳng hạn, Anh đã xuất khẩu 367.588 tấn phôi tấm trong 7 tháng đầu năm nay tới Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, bỏ xa con số 267.373 tấn trong cả năm 2012. Trong tháng 08, Anh bán được một lô hàng 45.964 tấn còn Thụy Điển đã bán 23.882 tấn.

Nga và Ukraina là hai quốc gia có sản lượng bán thành phẩm xuất khẩu đáng kể so với năm ngoái, và trong số này chủ yếu là phôi thanh.

MMK Metalurji có lẽ sẽ không khởi động lại lò nung cho đến năm 2014 và giá phế vẫn đang duy trì ổn định do sự mạnh lên của thị trường Mỹ nhưng các nhà sản xuất ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ lại tỏ ra nghi ngờ và cho rằng xu hướng giá sẽ sớm thay đổi.

Một nhà sản xuất nói hiện nay các nhà máy ở Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ đang tăng cường thu mua phôi tấm trong thời gian ngắn. Chi phí để sản xuất HRC thông qua lò nung đắt hơn so với thép cây, nhưng nếu sản xuất từ phế thì không thể tồn tại được.

Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ: Nhu cầu tiêu thụ thép tấm vẫn yếu, giá không đổi

Thị trường thép tấm Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ rất trì trệ chưa có dấu hiệu khởi sắc, giá vẫn duy trì không đổi trong những ngày gần đây sau khi đã giảm khoảng 10-15 USD/tấn từ lúc kết thúc lễ chay Ramadan vào giữa tháng 08.

Một nhà phân phối dự đoán giá sẽ tiếp tục theo hướng đi ngang cho đến khi kết thúc kỳ nghỉ lễ vào giữa tháng 10 tới và hi vọng là thị trường sẽ phục hồi trở lại.

Thép tấm dày 4-12mm, rộng 1.500mm hiện đang được chốt tại 615-630 USD/tấn xuất xưởng; trong khi loại dày 12-20mm, rộng 1.500mm có giá 640-655 USD/tấn xuất xưởng, giá trên chưa có VAT 18%.

Trong khi các chào giá thép tấm của CIS tới Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ vẫn không có gì thay đổi trong suốt tháng 09. Các nhà sản xuất Ukraina hiện đang chào bán thép tấm dày 4-12mm, rộng 1.500mm giao cuối tháng 11 với giá 550-560 USD/tấn CFR Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ; còn các chào giá của Nga cao hơn mức này 10-15 USD/tấn.

Các nhà máy Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ lại tiếp tục giảm giá thu mua phế nội địa

Hôm thứ Hai tuần này, các nhà máy Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ lại giảm giá thu mua phế trong nước do hầu hết họ đều đã trữ đủ lượng hàng đáp ứng cho nhu cầu sản xuất trước khi bước có kỳ nghỉ kéo dài trong 10 ngày vào giữa tháng 10, ngoài ra sức mua của thị trường vẫn còn yếu.

Đối với phế DKP, các nhà máy đã đồng loạt giảm giá mua ở các mức khác nhau. Cụ thể,  Kardemir đã giảm 25 TRY/tấn kể từ 28/9 còn 745 TRY/tấn (365 USD/tấn), cùng ngày Asil Celik cũng đã giảm 5 TRY/tấn xuống còn 705 TRY/tấn (345 USD/tấn) khi mua phế DKP. Đồng thời, Colakoglu cũng giảm 15 TRY/tấn còn 695 TRY/tấn (340 USD/tấn). Còn giá mua của Erdemir kể từ ngày 25/9 là 750 TRY/tấn (367 USD/tấn), giảm 20 TRY/tấn.

Sau đợt điều chỉnh giảm giá này, nhìn chung phế DKP hiện có giá 695-750 TRY/tấn (340-367 USD/tấn) gồm phí vận chuyển đến nhà máy.

Tuy nhiên, giá phế từ tàu cũ vẫn không đổi vào đầu tuần này. Ege Celik đang mua loại này với giá 355 USD/tấn, không đổi so với tuần trước. Phế nấu chảy từ tàu cũ có giá chào bán tới các nhà máy khác ở miền Tây Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ (Habas, Ozkan, IDC) khoảng 360-365 USD/tấn gồm phí vận chuyển.

Mặc dù mức giá mới của tấm mỏng đã được thị trường chấp nhận nhưng vẫn chưa có gì chắc chắn

Thị trường có vẻ như đang có nhiều quan ngại rằng liệu thông báo tăng giá tấm mỏng của hai nhà máy NLMK và ArcelorMittal hôm thứ Hai có được duy trì từ đây cho đến cuối năm không hay chỉ là phương án tạm thời giúp cho nhà máy chặn lại đà giảm của giá?

Một nhà phân phối nói các nhà máy đã thực hiện một cuộc nâng giá để đi trước đón đầu, nắm chặt mọi thứ trước quý IV.

Hai nhà phân phối khác thì nói rằng việc tăng giá lần này có lẽ sẽ được “thuận buồm xuôi gió” trong hai hay ba tuần trước khi vào mùa tiêu thụ thấp điểm sẽ gây áp lực kéo giá giảm trở lại. Tuy nhiên, hai hay ba tuần này có lẽ cũng đủ cho các nhà máy chốt được các hợp đồng. Ngược lại, các khách hàng sẽ trì hoãn việc đặt mua của mình vì hi vọng giá sẽ giảm trước tháng 12.

“Thị trường cần có thời gian để chấp nhận mức giá mới. Đa số các nhà sản xuất đều đang nỗ lực giữ mức này nhưng nếu anh là một nhà phân phối hay là một nhà sản xuất thiết bị gốc (OEM) thì tại sao anh phải mua ở thời điểm này trong khi không hoàn toàn chắc chắn”, một nhà phân phối nói.

TSI: Giá thép dẹt Mỹ; CRC và HDG Nam Âu đều giảm

Theo bảng giá tham khảo được công bố bởi TSI ngày hôm qua cho thấy tất cả các loại thép tấm cũng như tấm dẹt Mỹ trong tuần trước đều giảm so với tuần trước đó. Mặc dù HRC ở Nam và Bắc Âu tăng nhưng còn đa số các loại thép cuộn khác đều giảm giá. Thép cây và thép tấm Châu Âu không đổi so với tuần trước đó.

Tại Mỹ, giá tham khảo bình quân hàng ngày của HRC giảm 5 USD/tấn ngắn còn 642 USD/tấn ngắn (707 USD/tấn) FOB nhà máy ở Trung Tây. CRC giảm 0,5% và HDG trong tuần vừa rồi cũng thấp hơn 9 USD/tấn ngắn. Thời gian giao hàng của thép cuộn  không mạ kéo dài hơn. Giá thép tấm giảm 8 USD/tấn ngắn xuống còn 712 USD/tấn ngắn (785 USD/tấn) FOB nhà máy ở Trung Tây.

Tại Nam Âu, giá bình quân xuất xưởng hàng ngày của HRC tăng 3 EUR/tấn. Ngược lại, CRC giảm 0,9% còn 531 EUR/tấn (717 USD/tấn). HDG cũng giảm 3 EUR/tấn. Chỉ có thép tấm là tăng 3 EUR/tấn lên 515 EUR/tấn (695 USD/tấn). Thời gian giao hàng của thép cuộn không mạ dài hơn so với tuần trước.

Tại Bắc Âu, giá tham khảo bình quân hàng ngày của HRC tăng 1 EUR/tấn. Ngược lại, CRC giảm 0,2%, HDG tăng lên 551 EUR/tấn (744 USD/tấn). Giá thép tấm xuất xưởng từ tuần trước vẫn không đổi. Thời gian giao hàng của thép cuộn không mạ lâu hơn. Thép cây vẫn không đổi so với tuần trước đó và duy trì tại 483 EUR/tấn (652 USD/tấn). Giá bình quân của phôi thanh xuất khẩu trong tuần trước giảm 1 USD/tấn còn 494 USD/tấn, chênh lệch giữa thép cây và phôi thanh tăng lên đến 158 USD/tấn.


Turkey's billet trade to Iran collapses on credit drought
Turkish sales of billet to Iran have collapsed in 2013 as sales have become more difficult due to credit restrictions and shortage of funds in Iran, market participants told Platts.

Exports from January-August in 2013 amounted to 28,520 metric tons (according to Turkish Statistical Institute data covering all semi-finished products). In 2012 as a whole, the figure was 681,303 mt. Semis exports to Iran from Turkey are mostly billet rather than slab.

In 2012, many different ways were used to finance trade of commodities between the two countries, such as barter trade (finished steel for semi-finished steel) and payment in gold in exchange for resources. However, trade was also made easier for billet to Iran last year because Halk Bank – a Turkish lender – was acting as a backstop to trade of the product between the two countries. This has now stopped.

This year, with billet a sanctioned good for trade to Iran in the EU, it would be expected that Turkey's role would increase, but the credit squeeze in Iran has worsened, as has access to foreign currency. As a result, only the best-financed (i.e., state-owned) companies in Iran have been able to purchase from Turkey consistently. 

"If Iran were to come back to the market, Turkish mills could again sell billet there and this would take some pressure away from producers," one exporter at a Turkish mill said.

Instead, Iranian exports of semis into Turkey have increased this year, reaching 57,216 mt in the first eight months of the year. In the first half of 2013, these imports from Iran averaged at $474.8/mt; while the average price of semis exports to Iran from Turkey in the same period was $574/mt, Platts calculates from TUIK statistics.
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HDG export offers soften, traders await post-holiday rebound
Chinese hot-dip galvanized coil export offers have slipped a little as buyers were heard retreating to the sidelines to wait to see where Chinese domestic HDG prices go in the near future. Some traders said HDG prices may increase after the National Day holiday (October 1-7) as mills’ deliveries to the market had recently been slight. 

The tradeable level for 1.0mm DX51D HDG was around $655-660/metric ton FOB Shanghai on Monday, $5/mt below Platts’ previous assessment on September 18.

An eastern China-based trader said her firm had secured a few small orders recently, and some mills stopped quoting publicly. “Mills are optimistic toward the prices after the holiday, so quotations could be very volatile in the future,” she added.

A major trader in Shanghai said little HDG was available for export and mills could well increase their offers after the holiday. However, downward pressure from the domestic market might curb the increase. 

On Monday, 1.0mm thick DX51D HDG coils with 80 grams/square meter zinc coating were mainly traded at Yuan 4,480-4,540/mt ($729-738/mt) ex-stock with 17% VAT in Shanghai, unchanged since last Thursday but Yuan 10/mt lower than last Wednesday. 

A major dealer in Shanghai lifted its HDG offers by Yuan10/mt in expectation of improved transactions after the holiday.
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Italian plate re-rollers keep prices firm on low supply
Italian plate producers are keeping their prices firm, after managing to increase their prices since the end of July by €50/metric ton on higher slabs prices and lower supply, market sources told Platts. Italian re-rollers have consolidated deals at €520/mt base ex-works, with two sources, a trader and a buyer, confirming some transactions even at €530/mt base ex-works. 

“Although demand is not so well at the moment, Italian re-rollers have achieved price increases in the wake of higher raw materials prices, but also because Palini e Bertoli – which used to produce 35,000 mt/month of plate – is not working”, a source explained. 

Buyers are reported buying just what they need, a situation that is preventing them from buying outside even if imports prices go down. According to several sources, imports to Italy are priced at €440-450/mt CIF Italian ports mainly from China, but because the delivery time is January no-one is willing to open position. 

“Buyers nowadays are really buying what they needed and re-rollers can delivery with a maximum one month lead-time. As a trader I am not interested to take the risk, the market is not booming, the direction is not clear and because the fundamentals are weak it doesn’t look so upward – plus now the euro is strong but I don’t think there are the bases for the euro to stay at $1.35”, a trader explained. 

East European mills are reported offering into western Europe at around €490/mt base ex-works, but with freight costs of around €40/mt the Italian are still more competitive.
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NLMK and ArcelorMittal announce US sheet price hikes
On Monday, NLMK USA and ArcelorMittal independently announced a new round of steel sheet price increases, effective immediately.

According to a letter sent to its customers, NLMK set minimum base prices for hot-rolled coil at $670/st, and cold-rolled coil and coated sheet substrate at $770/st.

ArcelorMittal USA also announced a separate increase to customers on Monday, increasing its HRC minimum base price to $680/st. In addition, base prices for CRC and coated sheet substrate were increased to $790/st. The prices were applicable on all future orders accepted by the company for delivery by December 31, 2013.

All prices are ex-works.

Platts current price assessment for hot-rolled coil is at $640-650/st, while cold-rolled coil is at $745-755/st. All prices are normalized to a Midwest (Indiana) ex-works basis.

A buying source with a Midwest distributor said that as of Monday morning, Nucor, Severstal North America and Gallatin Steel had "pulled back" on quoting prices for sheet products. A Nucor executive told Platts the steelmaker was "just studying the situation at his point." 
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Special report: Brazil to weaken Vallourec's 2013 results
French tube and pipe producer Vallourec said the recent weakness of the Brazilian Real against other currencies and the temporary reduction in OCTG demand from new wells in the Latin American country will slightly dampen its results for full 2013.

"In a context where the Brazilian Real weakened significantly during the summer, (state-owned energy company) Petrobras is prioritizing cash generation and increasing oil production in the short term. For Vallourec, this should result, from Q4 2013 until mid-year 2014, in more tubing (for oil production) and less casing (for new wells), temporarily reducing delivered tonnages of OCTG tubes to the domestic market," Vallourec said at its Investor Day last week in the US city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

However, in 2014, a stabilization of the Brazilian currency at current levels should have a positive impact on the competitiveness of Vallourec’s Brazilian business units, mitigated by the effect of high domestic inflation on costs.

"The group will benefit from its long-term relationship with Petrobras, whose 2013-2017 strategic plan involves significant exploration and production investments," it added.

In the US, shale gas drilling shows no signs of recovery "and the product mix driven by this sector is evolving toward lower-margin semi-premium connections," Vallourec said. However, it added that in the longer term it is expected to resume (higher drillings), driven by residential consumption, the substitution of coal by gas in power generation, relocation of some petrochemical industries and, finally, potential liquefied natural gas exports.

In Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, Vallourec sees benefits from growing investments by existing operators, both national oil companies in the Middle East and international operators in the North Sea, Western and Eastern Africa. 

Vallourec has integrated manufacturing facilities and advanced R&D in more than 20 countries.
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China's low inventory may support HRC post-holiday
China's domestic hot rolled coil market remained stable on Monday, the last trading day before the National Day holiday (October 1-7), as dealers were unwilling to sell aggressively at the last minute, especially when downstream demand was uninspiring. Some dealers hiked prices by Yuan 10/metric ton despite slow transactions.

On Monday, Q235 5.5mm HRC was mainly traded at Yuan 3,470-3,500/mt ($564-569/mt) with 17% VAT in Shanghai, down Yuan 20/mt ($3/mt) from last Monday. Prices for similar material in southern China’s Lecong market were Yuan 3,580-3,600/mt ($582-586/mt) with VAT, down Yuan 20/mt ($3/mt) week-on-week. 

The Shanghai government began controlling traffic in the city from Monday afternoon and so most companies started their holiday from mid-Monday. In addition, most companies balance their accounts at the end of the month, and so it was hard to seal any deals on the last day of September, a trader in Shanghai said.

Another dealer in Shanghai raised HRC offers by Yuan 10/mt Monday even though buyers were unwilling to accept this, saying HRC prices could possibly increase after the holiday in light of the current low market inventories. “Dealers might replenish inventory after the holiday as most have only a few stocks on hand.”

According to a Shanghai based analyst, HRC inventory in 33 major Chinese cities totaled 4.02 million mt on September 30, 40,500 mt lower than last week. 

Eastern China's Shagang, which normally announces its price policy on the first day each month, may reduce HRC prices by Yuan 150-200/mt in October due to the huge gap between ex-works and spot prices, one market participant said.
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Korean spot HRC prices poised to climb
Spot prices for hot rolled coil produced by steelmakers in Korea are tipped to increase this month as local distributors are preparing to lift their sales prices, retailers said Monday. The increase margin will likely to be Won 20,000-30,000/metric ton ($18.5-28/mt) from the previous month, one told Platts.

In late August Posco, the country’s largest HRC producer, announced a rise in its domestic HRC sales prices for September orders of Won 30,000/mt, as reported. However, many dealers were unable to immediately pass on the increase to clients last month because of weak demand, sources said.

Whether the rises will be possible this month remains a moot point, however. “Market demand including that from end-users is still too weak for such an increase to be acceptable,” a dealer in Seoul said. Besides, Chinese HRC export prices have recently declined so Korean consumers may refuse to pay high prices for domestic materials, he added.

Dealer prices for SS400 grade 3.0mm thick Posco-origin HRC were pegged at around Won 740,000-750,000/mt ($689-698/mt) in retail markets on Monday. 

Export offers for Chinese SS400B 3mm and above HRC were at $530-540/mt FOB late last week, down $10/mt from the second week in September, as reported.
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China domestic CRC market turns quiet before holiday
Chinese domestic cold rolled coil prices appeared stable after a Yuan 20/metric ton decrease on Friday, and some traders were reported stopping quotations ahead of the forthcoming National Day holiday (October 1-7).

On Sunday September 29, 1.0mm SPCC CRC was mainly being traded at Yuan 4,320-4,400/mt with 17% VAT, Yuan 20/mt lower than Platts’ prior assessment on Tuesday, and similar material in southern Guangdong’s Lecong market was mainly traded at Yuan 4,330-4,380/mt, down Yuan 10/mt from Tuesday.

“The continuous drop in rebar futures prices and rising crude steel output has dented market sentiment seriously, some dealers reduced offers constantly to avoid further loss,“ a dealer in Shanghai said.

CRC inventory in Lecong increased for several weeks as deliveries for September picked up while traders's orders fell beyond expectations, hence there was significant downward pressure for CRC prices after the holiday. A trader in the region said, “screen trading is closed during weekend, so there is no indicator for the future price trend, and CRC prices may possibly be stable during the final two trading days pre-holiday.”

“The drop in HRC prices would be passed on to CRC market later in October, accordingly it is quite possible that CRC prices might possibly weaken further after the holiday,” an analyst in Beijing said.

According to statistics from China Iron and Steel Association (CISA), China’s daily crude steel output over September 11-20 hiked 0.66% month-on-month to 2.14 million mt, the highest record over the past three months, which might dampen the current market prices further, market participants commented.
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Marubeni-Itochu, JSW expanding steel processing in India
Marubeni-Itochu Steel (MISI) will add a second coil center in India with its existing partner, JSW Steel, the Japanese trader announced on September 27. “This project will lift sales of JSW-produced materials,” a MISI spokesman told Platts.

The companies are currently working on a 50-50 jv coil center called JSW MI Steel Service Center Private Limited, announced in October 2011, that is to process about 180,000 metric tons/year of hot rolled pickled sheets at a plant outside Delhi in northern India.

The two partners have decided to replicate this plant near Pune in western India where capacity would be around the same 180,000 mt/year and where operations will start from September 2014.

“Initially we planned to start our north-India plant from January-March 2013, but we are having difficulties to acquire the land and the project is delayed,” the MISI spokesman said. “The start-up of both plants may become closer.” 

A JSW spokesman was not able to make comment about the additional plant, but the company’s annual report 2012-2013 says the projects are estimated to be completed within 12 months from the date of land acquisition.

The plant near Pune will also target Japanese, Indian and European steel consumers in West India. The JSW spokesman said the plants won’t target any particular customer, just target wide customers such as auto, home electronics and buildings. 

The MISI spokesman said the Pune center would process mainly cold rolled coils, coated coils and some hot rolled coils. The north India plant will receive base materials from JSW’s Vijayanagar works in Karnataka state and west India plant will receive them from the Vijayanagar works and JSW Ispat Steel’s plant at Dolvi in the western state of Maharashtra.
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Taiwan’s Feng Hsin restarts sales, keeps rebar prices steady
One of Taiwan’s largest rebar producers, Feng Hsin Iron & Steel, restarted domestic sales on Monday after withdrawing from the market the previous week. The mini-mill chose to roll over its rebar list price from two weeks earlier as global scrap prices remained stable, a company spokesman said Monday.

Feng Hsin kept its list price for base-size rebar unchanged from a fortnight ago at TWD 17,600/mt ($594/mt) ex-works Taichung in central-west Taiwan effective 30 September, Platts was told.

The company expects orders to remain slow for the time being. “Customers are likely to continue monitoring the market this week,” said the official. Orders had been quiet two weeks ago due to price uncertainties in the market.

Feng Hsin had suspended domestic sales and skipped price announcements last week amid conflicting signals in the scrap and rebar markets, as reported. The steelmaker also kept its scrap buying price unchanged at TWD 10,100/mt on Monday. The company buys mostly HMS I/II (80:20). 

Taiwanese import prices of 80:20 (in container) were down $4/mt week-on-week at $343/mt CFR Taiwan port Friday, according to The Steel Index. The Steel Index is a specialist pricing unit of Platts operating under its own methodology.
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North China rebar gains on pre-holiday stockbuilding
Rebar prices in northern China firmed up slightly Monday following the previous week's decline, as end-users were stocking up on material since the weekend in preparation for the National Day holiday (October 1-7). 

On Beijing’s dealer market, spot prices for 18-25mm diameter HRB400 rebar sourced from Hebei Iron & Steel (Hegang) were assessed at Yuan 3,370-3,380/metric ton ($550-552/mt) with 17% VAT on September 30, up from Friday’s Yuan 3,340-3,360/mt. This remained Yuan 180/mt lower than prices at the start of last month. 

A Beijing trader believed spot prices were driven up mainly by increased consumer purchasing. Although more of his clients were looking for difficult-to-find specific sizes, he also received complete order lists from end-users for all kind of material. 

However, most of market dealers were leaving early for the holiday, and some lifted their prices just for sales during or after the holiday. 

Another local trader implied that major market dealers had already completed bookings from mills for October, releasing them from tight liquidity towards the end of the quarter. This meant there was no need for them to compete on price in order to secure orders. 

Some sources therefore speculated that the market could strengthen in October on expectation of eased liquidity at the start of the new quarter. But other market sources continued to hold bearish views about October’s outlook, seeing no indication of better demand. 

The widely-traded January rebar contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange edged 0.3% higher to close at Yuan 3,587/mt, following a drop of 1.02% last Friday.
China's 18-25mm diameter HRB400 rebar price ©SBB 2013
Yuan/metric ton
  Incl.17% VAT Excl.17% VAT
Beijing 3,370-3,380 2,880-2,889
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Chinese austenitic stainless spot prices slip on slow demand
Prices of stainless steel coils in southern China’s Guangdong Foshan spot market slipped for most of September on slower demand. Prices of austenitic coils fell by Yuan 600-800/metric ton ($98-130/mt) over the month.

The price of grade 304 3mm hot rolled coil fell by Yuan 600-700/mt over the past month to Yuan 14,700-15,200/mt ($2,390-2,471/mt), while that of 2mm thick cold rolled coil slipped Yuan 700-800/mt over the month to reach Yuan 15,700-15,900/mt on September 30.

The price of low-nickel grade 201/2B CRC 1-2mm thick was dampened by the drop in 300-series prices. Its price fell by Yuan 200/mt over the month to reach Yuan 10,200-10,400/mt on September 30. The price of nickel-free grade 430/2B CRC 2mm thick had also dipped to Yuan 8,700-8,900/mt as of September 30, down Yuan 100/mt m-o-m. All prices include 17% VAT.

Market participants said trading had slowed in September after austenitic stainless prices started trending downwards beginning late-August as nickel prices dipped below $14,000/mt. “Nickel prices have stabilized recently but demand remains weak,” said a trader in Hong Kong.

Industry watchers said prices are correcting after surging more than Yuan 1,000/mt in mid-August, though how much lower spot prices could ease in the near term is uncertain.

Official nickel cash prices on the London Metal Exchange had fluctuated between $13,500-14,200/mt over the past month. Prices finished at $13,880/5/mt on September 27.
Chinese stainless prices (Foshan market)  
Unit: Yuan/mt
304 HRC 3mm
304 CRC 2mm
July 1 14,300-14,500 14,800-15,000
August 1 14,400-14,600 15,000-15,300
August 30 15,400-15,800 16,400-16,700
September 30 14,700-15,200 15,700-15,900
430 CRC 2mm
201 CRC 1-2mm
July 1 9,100-9,300 10,400-10,500
August 1 8,900-9,100 10,100-10,300
August 30 8,800-9,000 10,400-10,600
September 30 8,700-8,900 10,200-10,400
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Chinese stainless export prices flat as trading slows
Export prices of Chinese austenitic stainless coils were little changed month-on-month Monday as trading slowed in September after prices had risen in August.

Transacted prices of grade 304 HRC 3mm thick were pegged by market participants at $2,100-2,200/metric ton FOB China on September 30, unchanged m-o-m. The price for grade 304 CRC 2mm 2B was indicated at $2,250-2,350/mt FOB on September 30, a narrower band than the range of $2,200-2,400/mt FOB a month ago. The prices are for coils produced by major stainless steelmakers.

Offer prices for HRC and CRC were heard at $2,150-2,300/mt FOB and $2,400-2,480/mt FOB respectively in late-September but exporters conceded that current offer prices were hard to push through to buyers. Most agreed that demand in September was slower than that in August.

“Deals are hard to close. We continue to offer high in the market but the prices customers could accept is $100-150/mt lower than what was offered,” said a trader in Guangzhou who had offered HRC at $2,300/mt FOB and CRC at $2,400/mt FOB recently.

A Hong Kong trader said her customers had bid at $2,100/mt CIF Southeast Asia and below for HRC. “Such prices are too low for us, so we could not accept,” she said, noting that freight to Southeast Asia is around $30-40/mt. 

In late-August, austenitic coil prices had risen by $50-150/mt m-o-m following a surge in Chinese domestic prices, which had since eased due to softer nickel prices.
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India's Sail seeks jv partner to turnaround alloy steelworks
State-owned Steel Authority of India Ltd (Sail) is seeking a joint venture partner to help turnaround operations at its loss-making alloy and special steelworks Visvesvaraya Iron & Steel Ltd (VISL) at Bhadravati in Karnataka state. Pending this, the steelmaker has not progressed with earlier plans to triple crude steelmaking capacity at Bhadravati, company officials told Platts Monday.

VISL has 118,000 mt/year of crude steelmaking and 98,000 mt/year of saleable steel capacity. However, output has progressively decreased since FY 2009-10, a preliminary information document showed.

The document on Sail’s website dated September 19 invites expressions of interest (EoI) from potential jv partners for the manufacture of steel and related products at VISL. Interested parties have until October 31 to submit their EoIs.

Sail could also look to the jv partner to provide technology or help expand steelmaking capacity at VISL, though decisions would be based on the nature of proposals received, a company spokeswoman said. An earlier planned expansion to 300,000 mt/year was also not implemented, another official said.

In December 2011, Sail had said that Japan’s Kobe Steel was undertaking a techno-feasibility study to help devise a strategy for modernizing VISL, as reported. The Sail spokeswoman said this was only a “diagnostic” study. Further details on the study were unavailable. 

VISL hosts a 530 cubic meter blast furnace, a 125,000 mt/year bloom caster, and long product rolling operations. Output is primarily supplied to markets in southern and western India, which together account for more than 60% of the domestic consumption of alloy and special steels, the document said. VISL’s land bank of about 643 hectares could be utilized for joint venture projects subject to statutory approvals, Sail said.
VISL steel production, financials  
Source: SAIL Tender document
  Crude steel
(metric tons)
Saleable steel
(metric tons)
(Million Rupees)
FY 2009-10 102,855 97,755 -1,006.8
FY 2010-11 108,283 84,744 -1,299.2
FY 2011-12 91,428 61,163 -1,307.5
FY 2012-13 63,156 56,393 -1,166.7
Capacity 118,000 98,000  
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China's steelmaking pig iron prices fall on weak market
Transaction prices for L8 and L10 steelmaking pig iron in north China’s Hebei province dipped by Yuan 50-100/metric ton ($8-12/mt) over the past four weeks, reflecting the sluggishness of China’s steel market overall throughout September, market sources said Monday.

As of September 30, deals for these grades of pig iron ore were concluded at Yuan 2,550-2,600/mt, down from Yuan 2,650/mt on September 2. In the skittish market, transactions were thin, industry sources added. "The pig iron market has been a bit chaotic lately,” a market source in Hebei said. “Deals are being done at a range of prices, with both offer and concluded prices varying from different suppliers by at least Yuan 50-100/mt,” he said. 

A Shanghai-based market source agreed. "I have heard that Shandong suppliers are offering Yuan 2,800/mt for these grades but no deals have been done. Who knows where the actual transaction prices are," he said. Pig iron offers from Shandong suppliers are usually Yuan 200/mt higher than from Hebei, as Shandong producers rely solely on imported iron ore.

In October, the direction of China’s steel market remains uncertain, sources agreed, with some predicting moderate price declines in finished steel and pig iron. "The steel market is hard to predict these days as the pattern of seasonal peaks and lows has been broken," the Shanghai source added. 

Moreover, few insiders were interested in forecasting Monday while Chinese businesses were looking forward to the one-week National Day holiday starting October 1.

In August, China’s daily pig iron output including steelmaking and foundry grades stood at 1.93 million mt/day – about the same as in July – but the month's output was 11.1% higher on-year at 59.92 million mt, official statistics showed. Over January-August, China produced 480.38 million mt, or a 6.6% on-year increase.
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Korean mills fight plans to hike electricity tariffs
The Korea Iron & Steel Association (Kosa) and 16 other Korean business organizations have called on the Korean government to reconsider plans to raise electricity tariffs for industrial users. In a joint statement the group – that also included the Federation of Korean Industries and the Korea Automobile Manufacturers’ Association – said that the slowing domestic economy had led both sales and profits among local companies to deteriorate. 

Noting that the government had already increased utilities charges for industry by about 25% since 2011, the statement said that any further increase would further dampen their business results.

The cost of power for steelmaking accounts for some 25% of the commodity’s total production cost excluding raw materials, the group said. In cement manufacture it is 22% and papermaking 16.2%. 

“The higher input cost that would result from the rise in electricity costs will affect our steel industry’s competitiveness,” a source from Kosa said. “Our position will be weaker in the global export market because finished steel product prices will increase accordingly,” he added.

An official from the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy told Platts on Monday that the government is preparing to reform the electricity tariff system and that a new and detailed guideline would likely be released this month. “What we’re planning to do is not just increase the electricity cost. We’re considering reforming the system,” he said.
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China’s manufacturing recovery weaker than first thought
The final reading of the HSBC China manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) for September came in at 50.2 on September 30, a full point below the flash reading given last week of 51.2. While the figure was at a five-month high and remained over 50, indicating growth, the figure disappointed markets following the high flash estimate and led to a downturn in several bourses Monday.

The growth in manufacturing output slowed to “a fractional pace,” HSBC said, but export orders did better, increasing for the first time in six months. Manufacturers’ purchases of inputs, including steel, increased modestly for the second month in a row, while stocks of materials fell again, albeit only slightly.

The figure suggests China’s manufacturing sector is slowly recovering from its weak performance in the first half of the year. However, the pace of recovery is slower than steel traders hoped and this has been reflected in weaker-than-expected demand and falling prices last month. HRC prices in Shanghai closed September 30 at Yuan 3,470-3,500/mt ($562-567/mt), down Yuan 145/mt from the start of September.

Markets were surprised that the HSBC figure was so far below the 51.2 flash estimate, which typically represents around 85-90% of the month’s total survey responses. Partly as a result, Asian shares fell slightly Monday, as did global oil prices.
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India's RINL expands No.2 blast furnace
Indian state-owned steel producer Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL) has contracted Austrian plantmaker Siemens to renew its No.2 blast furnace as part of a project to expand capacity at its steelworks at Visakhapatnam, eastern India (the Vizag Steel Plant).

Siemens said in a statement Monday the €50 million order also includes modernising a total of five hot blast stoves on blast furnaces 1 and 2 at Vizag, to be completed in 2016.

The furnace No.2 upgrade will see its inner volume boosted from 3,200 to 3,820 cubic metres. This will increase its production capacity to 7,150 metric tons/day or about 2.5 million mt/year from 1.7 million mt/y at present. The expansion is to be completed by the third quarter of 2015.

Siemens is also modernizing the No.1 blast furnace at the plant. As Platts has reported, the furnace will be off stream for 135 days from the last week of September to raise its 1.7 million mt/y capacity by 500,000 mt/y.

The furnace expansions are part of RINL’s capacity enlargement project at the Vizag Steel Plant. Last year it blew in a new No.3 blast furnace, raising crude steel capacity to 6.3 million mt/y. With the new expansions it is aiming for a production capacity of 7.3 million mt/y by 2015. In the fiscal year ended March 2013 it produced 3.4 million mt of crude steel.
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Indian imports of UK scrap remain quiet
UK scrap dealers have reported an increase in inquiries from Indian importers but very little activity as the rupee has not strengthened enough to bring them back into the market. However, there was increased Indian activity in the US export market where domestic prices have dropped.

The shredded scrap market was heard to be operating at around $370/metric ton CFR Nhava Sheva, though one UK-based exporter said: “there have been a few inquiries recently, nothing to get excited about though (with) the way the $/rupee exchange rate is going right now.” The rupee is trading at around 62 to the dollar, from 69 at the beginning of September.

One Indian-based trader said, “it has been very quiet and the only real offers are from the Middle East and Africa starting from $330-350/mt for HMS depending on quality and origin. I guess Indian markets will remain quiet for another month or so as, due to festive season, there is less activity and factories are still losing heavily in spite of production cuts.”

Another Indian trader was more positive on demand, highlighting the increase in inquiries from both India and the southeast Asia region. "Levels on most inquiries are very competitive. Mills looking to book shred want to pay around $365-368/mt and SE Asia around $367-368/mt. HMS into SE Asia is around $340/mt from any origin." 

"On the sourcing front we don't find much scrap priced lower than these levels. In the last two weeks our buying and selling price have given us practically no profits. I think prices need to rebound from end October. Maybe winter setting in early in Europe or Russia could cause a change in the market," he said.

The market was generally agreed that the weakness in the exchange rate was costing mills around $20/mt and, with finished steel prices not gaining traction, volumes of imports will remain low until scrap prices are lowered in Europe.
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Hebei to cut 67 million mt/y of steelmaking by 2017
Northern China’s Hebei province, the country’s largest steel-making region, has moved forwards with an ambitious plan to slash steel overcapacity and reduce pollution by setting closure targets for each of its subordinated city governments. To ease air pollution around the capital city of Beijing, Hebei provincial government has promised to chop 66.72 million metric tons/year of pig iron capacity and 67.26 million mt/year of crude steel capacity by the end of 2017, or over 20% of its total capacity. 

Tangshan city, contributing about half of the province’s steel output, will be forced to cut the most iron and steel capacity, with the closure targets set at 28 million mt/year of iron making and 40 million mt/year of crude steel making. 

Tangshan was followed by Handan city. A list of detailed targets reported by local media show that Handan city was committed to shutting down 16.14 million mt/year of iron making capacity and 12.04 million mt/year of crude steel making capacity. Another 9 cities covered the remaining closures, with the same 2017 deadline. By the end of 2015, 14.47 million mt/year of iron making and 15.86 million mt/year of crude steel making is listed for closure in Hebei. 

These city governments had been required to submit working plans by the end of October as to how to accomplish the designated targets. Platts understands this should mean detailed lists of mills or facilities earmarked for closure. 

But it remained unclear what standard could be used to screen unqualified capacity. A mill source in Tangshan city said that Hebei's local governments had recently nominated over 80 steel mills to apply for review by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) to be approved as complying with MIIT’s industrial standards. The source speculated that mills excluded from the list could be targeted for facility closures. 

As Platts had reported, MIIT has already published the first list of 45 compliant mills in April, but none were from Hebei as the region was still developing its own policies. 

Previously there were concerns that the Tangshan government could shut down all blast furnaces of 450 cubic meters or less, which supply about 30% of the city’s output. But another Tangshan mill source said it was still likely for the local government to use size limit to select capacities set for closure.
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Northern European HRC swap trades for 2014
A northern European hot rolled coil swap traded Friday, with 500 metric tons/month done for calendar 2014, brokers and traders told Platts Monday.

The counterparties involved were unknown, but one London-based trader said the price was €482/mt. FIS was said to have brokered the deal, but refused to comment on the price or companies involved. On Friday FIS marked its curve for cal14 at €483/mt, up from €481/mt on Thursday.

Including this trade, 850 lots of northern European hot rolled coil were traded in September, equating to 17,000 mt with a value of around €8 million. This is the largest month so far in 2013 and volumes over January-September are up 20% compared to last year, with 2,840 lots done versus 2,349.

Northern European HRC swaps are cleared by LCH basis reference prices published by The Steel Index, a specialist pricing unit of Platts operating under its own methodology.
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Turkish HRC slab imports 'likely to continue', mills say
Turkey's hot rolled coil producers have been booking large quantities of slab from the UK, Sweden, Brazil and CIS in the last year, a trend which is set to continue as scrap continues to be uncompetitive for mills reliant on importing large quantities, market participants said during site visits to Turkey last week.

Hot strip mills in Turkey are buying slab because the HRC prices have not been high enough to allow for production through the EAF route to be profitable. MMK Metalurji sales director Mehmet Cakmur noted this at a TSI event in Istanbul last week, stating that the EAF at MMK’s Iskenderun works is idle because of this.

As a consequence, slab imports have been significant from some nations. The UK, for instance, has sold 367,588 metric tons of semis during January-July to Turkey, already beating the 267,373 mt sold in the whole of last year. In August, the UK chipped in with another 45,964 mt consignment, while Sweden sold 23,882 mt in the most recent month of statistics available.

Russia and Ukraine have shipped significant quantities of semis on a year-on-year basis, although a lot of this will be billet; exports from these countries to Turkey of semis are still equal or up on-year. 

With MMK Metalurji unlikely to have its furnace back online until 2014, and scrap prices being maintained by a healthy US market, producers in Turkey doubt this trend will change soon. 

"This trend of slab-purchasing we see among HRC producers in Turkey is not going to slow in the near-term," one producer of HRC in the country said. "HRC is more expensive to produce than rebar through a furnace, but the margin from scrap does not exist."
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Belgian state firm takes stake in NLMK plate, strip units
Russia’s NLMK has sold a 20.5% stake in its Belgian operations to Société Wallonne de Gestion et de Participations (SOGEPA) for €91.1 million, NLMK said in a statement Monday. SOGEPA is the investment arm of the government of Belgium’s southern province of Wallonia where several NLMK plants are located.

The deal provides NLMK and SOGEPA with respective call and put options over the shares commencing on 31 December 2015. In addition, SOGEPA will be granted certain governance rights over NLMK Belgium Holdings (and hence its subsidiaries) and has two representative on the latter’s board alongside four representatives of NLMK.

NLMK Belgium Holdings comprises two units: NLMK Europe Strip and NLMK Europe Plate. Strip comprises three plants – NLMK La Louvière (Belgium), NLMK Coating (France) and NLMK Strasbourg (France) – with a total production capacity of 1.7 million metric tons/year and a network of service centres. The Plate unit runs two companies with a capacity of 0.9 million mt – NLMK Clabecq (Belgium) and NLMK Verona (Italy). NLMK Dansteel in Denmark with a 0.5 million mt/year plate capacity, is not included in NLMK Belgium Holding.

Commenting on the deal, NLMK’s chief executive officer, Oleg Bagrin, said that it represents the next step in restructuring the company’s European division. Investment by a Belgian state company attests to the commitment of the government to help the restructuring process and support the plants’ solvency. 

NLMK will continue to review options to further develop its European rolling assets and boost its efficiency, said Bagrin. So far, NLMK continues to benefit from synergies between its Russia-based low-cost slab making and the production of finished products in proximity to consumers in Europe, he added.
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Turkish plate demand remains weak, prices stable
Demand for plate in Turkey remains low, but prices remained stable in recent days after softening around $10-15/metric ton since the end of Ramadan holiday in mid-August, market sources informed Platts.

“The plate market remains sluggish, as slow activity especially in heavy industrial sectors is affecting quotations. Demand is relatively weak, but prices remained stable for about two weeks, after softening around $10-15/metric ton after the Ramadan holiday, due to relatively low demand and fluctuations in exchange rates,” a service center executive observed, adding: “I expect prices will move horizontally till the holiday period in mid-October, and hope they will recover afterwards in conjunction with demand.”

Plates 4-12mm thick and 1,500mm wide are currently priced at $615-630/mt ex-works, while 12-20mm thick, 1,500mm wide plates are priced at $640-655/mt ex-works, excluding 18% VAT.

Meanwhile, CIS-origin plate offers to Turkey remained stable in September. Ukrainian producers are offering 4-12mm thick, 1,500mm wide plate at $550-560/mt CFR Turkey for late November shipment, while Russian producers’ offers are $10-15/mt higher, traders said.
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Currencies oblige producers to adjust their prices: Icdas
Fluctuations in currency exchange rates coupled with rising input costs amid steady demand oblige Turkish rebar producers to adjust their prices frequently, Onur Bilgin, domestic sales manager of Turkey’s major long steel producer Icdas told Platts on Monday.

“Rebar markets resemble stock markets in many aspects. Even little changes in the economic indicators affect prices. In the recent period, fluctuation in exchange rates is the major factor behind these price adjustments,” he observed.

“Our dollar-dominated input costs like scrap prices are rising every day in line with the weakening Turkish lira against the dollar. Turkish lira began to lose power against dollar in recent days, after a short time of stability and this is affecting quotations mostly these days, as well as rising energy costs,” Bilgin added.

“On the demand side, although ongoing construction projects continue, new projects are relatively low compared to previous months. However, we are optimistic about the future,” he said.

The company increased its prices of rebar and wire rod for the local market by a further TRY 20/metric ton on Monday, due mostly to the decline of the lira. The latest upward price adjustment from the company was on Thursday last week.

Icdas’s new sales price for 12-32mm diameter rebar is currently at TRY 1,410/mt ex-works ($692). Its price for 10mm dia rebar reached TRY 1,420/mt ex-works ($697), while 8mm dia rebar is now at TRY 1,430/mt ($702) ex-works. 

The company increased its wire rod prices by the same amount to TRY 1,430-1,495/mt ($702-734) ex-works. These prices all include 18% VAT.
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Max Aicher suspends plan to sell rebar mill in Hungary
The ownership of the Hungarian rebar mill OAM Ozd Steelworks is unlikely to change now as its current owner - Germany’s Aicher Group - told Platts it is no longer considering the sale of the unprofitable steelworks to be a top priority.

As reported, the German company signed a memorandum of understanding with Australian diversified holding Astra Resources in March to sell OAM Ozd. Aicher Group intended to divest the rebar plant in Hungary and move towards special steel, which it said was then its new strategic orientation. 

Meanwhile, “our priorities have changed,” the German group explained its exit from the deal. “Our focus is still in getting a full use of capacity and a profitable production for the site. The output gradually approaches full utilization of the facilities,” the company told Platts. The mill’s design capacity equals 400,000 mt/year.

A source at Astra Resources told Platts the sales had not been progressing but was unsure if Max Aicher said a definite "no" to the deal. Astra had been looking to take over OAM with the view to maintain rebar production. According to the internal source, the Australian company would keep looking for other takeover ooportunities in Central-Eastern Europe in case the deal with Aicher Group led nowhere.
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Kardemir expands product range with low-temp sections
Turkish integrated long steelmaker Kardemir expanded its product range with high-strength J2 sections, Platts learned from the company on Saturday. S235,S275 and S355 high-quality J2 profiles can be used even in subfreezing regions without loosing its physical strength, the company noted. Kardemir will produce these quality products in parallel to the market requirements, Platts learned. 

The company will also soon begin to produce high value-added products, including spring, bearing, tool steels, free-cutting steels and pre-stressed concrete steel used in the automotive, OEM, machinery, construction and defence industries.

Meanwhile, Kardemir’s third rolling mill will add 700,000 metric tons/year of rolling capacity to Kardemir’s existing 1 million mt/y capacity within 16 months, while a third expansion phase will increase this to 3 million mt/y.

Kardemir also installed the main body of the new blast furnace No.5, as previously reported. This blast furnace will become operational in February 2014 and will have a production capacity of 1.2 million metric tons/year. It will raise Kardemir's crude steel capacity from 1.8 million mt/y to 3 million mt/y.

Alongside this, the company will launch its new coke plant of 70 ovens in this quarter and it will meet the firm’s increasing requirement for coke stemming from new blast furnace capacity.

As the only producer in the Middle East able to produce 72 meter long rails, Kardemir is also targeting production of railway wheels and the tender process for this investment will begin soon, Platts was informed.
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New scrap legislation comes into force in UK
New metals recycling legislation – the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 - is set to come in force on 1 October in the UK, the British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA) said.

The new legislation is designed to crack down on metal theft and illegal practices in the market, applying a stricter licensing system for scrap dealers and banning all sort of cash payments for scrap in the country.

Ian Hetherington, director general of the BMRA, said: “The implementation of the new Scrap Metal Dealers Act is a watershed moment for the industry. Metals recycling is contributes £5.6 billion to the economy whilst increasing the UK’s share of the global market for recycled metals.”
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Turkish mills reduce buying prices for home scrap
Turkish mills continued to lower their buying prices for domestically-sourced scrap at the beginning of this week, as most of them have filled their inventories in advance of the ten-day holiday period in mid-October, and amid relatively low demand in the market, Platts learned from the companies on Monday. 

Integrated long steel producer Kardemir reduced its buying price for DKP (auto bundle) scrap as of September 28 by TRY 25/metric ton to TRY 745/mt ($365), while alloy steelmaker Asil Celik reduced its buying price for DKP scrap on the same day by TRY 5/metric ton to TRY 705/mt ($345).

Another major steelmaker, Colakoglu, also lowered its DKP grade scrap buying price by TRY 15/mt to TRY 695/mt ($340), effective from 28 September. Turkey’s largest steel producer Erdemir reduced its buying price for DKP scrap as of September 25, by TRY 20/metric ton to TRY 750/mt ($367), as previously reported by Platts.

After these downward price adjustments, DKP grade is now priced at TRY 695-750/mt ($340-367) delivered to mill in the domestic market.

However, Turkish ship scrap prices have remained stable at the beginning of this week. Ege Celik’s buying price was still at $355/mt, unchanged from last week. Melting scrap from shipbreaking was being offered to other mills in western Turkey (Habas, Ozkan, IDC) at $360-365/mt delivered, Platts learned from Turkish Ship Recyclers’ Association (Gemisander).
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Northern Iron trials concentrate at German steelworks
Australia-listed Northern Iron said Monday it had despatched around 80,000 metric tons of concentrate from its Sydvaranger iron ore project in Norway on September 29 for trial use at ThyssenKrupp’s 50%-owned Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann plant in Germany. The concentrate was shipped on a Panamax vessel from Kirkenes.

The latest shipment comes after a recent pilot testwork program showed the Sydvaranger concentrate could improve the quality of produced sinter without significant losses in productivity. “Should this trial prove successful Northern looks forward to commencing discussions with ThyssenKrupp, one of Europe’s largest steelmakers, aimed at agreeing a longer-term offtake contract,” Northern Iron’s managing director Antony Beckmand said in a statement.

Northern Iron had been looking to diversify its customer base and favored options with the lowest possible freight costs, he added.

The Sydvaranger project is located in Bjørnevatn around 1,500 kms north east of Oslo. The mine is connected to a concentrator facility and port via a rail line to Kirkenes that is located 8 kms to the north coast of Norway with direct access to the Barents Sea.

Sydvaranger achieved record monthly production in July of 201,000 mt of dry concentrate, the company recently reported.
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Scrap prices trend down in south Russia, up elsewhere
Ferrous scrap markets in Russia have diverged: southern regions have seen slight weakening, while mills in Urals and Siberia are prepared to pay more to enhance pre-winter stockbuilding, and scrap trade along the Volga and in the northwest remains steady, Platts learnt from five trade and mill sources.

Prices of 3A scrap (equivalent to HMS I/II 80:20) in Russian southern ports have decreased by 200 rubles/mt ($6) from a month ago to 8,800-8,900 rubles/mt ($271-275) excluding 15% customs duty delivered to south Russia’s Rostov-on-Don ports and are expected to soften more, to 8,700 rubles/mt and below in a week or so.

Mills in Russia’s southern regions, Krasnodar, Rostov and Volgograd, which are closest to ports, have responded to weakened exports with proportionate 100-250 rubles/mt cuts in their bids. They are now buying 3A for 9,350-9,500 rubles/mt delivered by trucks.

Byelorussian Steel Works (BMZ), which procures some of its scrap in western Russia, is understood to have increased its bids to ramp up scrap procurements ahead of winter by 300 rubles/mt month-on-month to 8,600 rubles/mt DAF Zlynka. BMZ’s prices still remain somewhat below average prices in central Russia defined by bids from Severstal and NLMK. These two are said to be paying 8,500 and 8,700 rubles/mt respectively excluding delivery.

In some regions along the Volga, scrap merchants process orders for 8,300-8,400 rubles/mt, excluding delivery, unchanged from early September. In the Urals, mills have reviewed their prices 200 rubles/mt upwards since a month ago, so their buying prices have moved up to 8,200-8,400 rubles/mt excluding transport costs.

Evraz’s ZapSib and NTMK works, the bulk scrap users in Siberia, are also looking to add 200 rubles/mt to their bids in October to stimulate pre-winter supply. Until now, they order A3 for 9,150-9,300 rubles/mt including delivery or 8,100-8,300/mt excluding delivery.
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US HRC stands at $640-650/st
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CRC unchanged at $745-755/st in US market
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US sheet hike welcomed by market, fate uncertain
Market sources seemed divided Monday as to whether the US flat-rolled steel price increases announced by NLMK and ArcelorMittal will hold through the end of the year or serve as a temporary mill plug for receding prices. 

“It’s a preemptive strike,” said one service center source. “I think they’re going to do what they always try to do – tighten things up before the fourth quarter.” 

At least two additional service center sources said the increase will likely bolster pricing for two or three weeks before seasonal pressure pulls them back down. Those two or three weeks, however, might be crucial for mills in contract negotiations. Conversely, buyers may delay inking some contracts in the hopes that pricing falls before year-end. 

“I don’t think they wanted to test $600/st if (HRC) pricing would have kept drifting down to that number,” one source said. “On the contract side, it is going to take some time. Most of the producers are holding a pretty firm line on what they are saying but if you are an OEM or service center, why are you going to buy today when you aren’t quite sure what you are signing up for.”

One bullish service center source said the increase will spur short-term buying, but pushing orders ahead might endanger business later in the year. 

“As a person with inventory, I want it to stick. But I don’t know if it can stick. It might be early. I think everybody’s pretty busy right now. Maybe [mills] are trying to eat up the slowdown.” 

NLMK has upped its minimum hot-rolled coil pricing to $670/st and its minimum cold-rolled coil pricinig to $770/st, while ArcelorMittal has bumped HRC up to $680/st and CRC to $790/st (see related story).

Nucor is reportedly monitoring the pricing situation, and, though market sources have said Severstal is likely to adhere to the increase, the company declined comment. 

Due to a lack of reported deals within spec, Platts HRC price assessment stands at $640-650/st and its CRC assessment at $745-755/st. All prices are normalized to a Midwest (Indiana) ex-works basis.
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US to conduct full sunset reviews of wire rod cases
The US International Trade Commission will conduct full sunset reviews of antidumping duty orders on carbon and certain alloy steel wire rod from Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Moldova, Trinidad and Tobago, and Ukraine as well as the countervailing duty order on Brazilian imports.

The ITC will determine whether revoking the duties will lead to continuation or recurrence of material injury in the reasonably foreseeable future. 

Current AD rates for Brazil are 74.45-98.69%; for Indonesia, zero-4.06%; for Mexico, 5.59-20.11%; for Moldova, 369.10%; for Trinidad and Tobago, 11.40-23.95%, Ukraine, 116.37%.

CVD rates for Brazil are 2.76-6.74%, according to available data. This is the second sunset review for these orders, as they were initially imposed in October 2002.
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AK Steel files trade cases against NOES imports
AK Steel filed a petition with two US government agencies on Monday alleging that manufacturers in China, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Sweden and Taiwan dumped non-oriented electrical sheet steel in the US market and that some of the producers received countervailable subsidies.

AK is the only US producer of NOES, which is an iron-silicon alloy with magnetic properties used in motors, generators and ignition coils. 

According to petitions filed with the US Department of Commerce and the US International Trade Commission, imports of the subject material increased by 36.9% from 2010 to 2012, and in 2012, imports from the countries named in the petition comprised 92% of NOES imports. AK alleged countervailable subsidies for China, Korea and Taiwan. The period of investigation is January 2010 through June 2013.

Alleged dumping margins are: China, 238-397%; Germany, 70-87%; Japan, 88-221%; Korea, 6-71%; Sweden, 62-125%, and Taiwan 51-106%, according to AK's complaint.

"At AK Steel, we can compete with any steelmaker, anywhere, anytime; however, we cannot and should not have to compete with unfairly low priced imports and foreign governments, which is what we are doing today,” said AK CEO James L. Wainscott.

The petition claims Chinese electrical steel producers used only 54% of their capacity in 2012, which was 10 million mt at the time, and have the ability to increase exports by 5.4 million mt. “The US market became even more attractive to the Chinese producers when Brazil imposed antidumping duties of 39.3% on imports of Chinese NOES in July 2013,” the petition said. Other AD duties by Brazil were set for Korea’s Posco at 12.7% and China Steel Corp. in Taiwan at 21.3%.

For Germany, ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG is the largest known producer of NOES, and the petition said “it is likely there is significant unused NOEs capacity” at the company. Considering that demand for steel products in Europe is expected to remain low, AK states the US will likely see more shipments of ThyssenKrupp’s NOES. Poor European steel demand was also noted in the argument against Swedish producers. US imports of NOES from Sweden increased 121% from 2010 to 2012.

The DOC will determine within 20 days whether it will initiate the investigations.
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Mixed signals pervasive in US ferrous scrap market
Mixed signals pervaded the US ferrous scrap market Monday, with dockside prices slipping, mills announcing or mulling price increases for finished products and wide-ranging opinions regarding price direction for October scrap settlements.

One major US scrap exporter lowered its dockside buying price, and based on feedback from the market, Platts lowered its daily assessment for heavy melting scrap No. 1 by $5/lt to $290-295/lt delivered US East Coast dockside.

"I think they are trying to take advantage of the speculation that domestic [material] will be down $10 or more," one northeast trader said.

Around mid-afternoon Monday, a scrap dealer sold 10,000 lt of shredded material at prices representing a $10/lt drop from September settlements. Most major mills were not in the market on Monday, and will not begin their buying programs for October in earnest until later this week.

Market sentiment for October settlements ranged from sideways to down through much of September, as mid-month deals were concluded at softer pricing than early-month deals and few concerns about scrap supply were heard. On Monday, more bullish pricing opinions emerged, especially in the Midwest where two major mills were heard to be looking for scrap at sideways to up $5/lt.

"It is sideways, hobbling along, not much on the down side and I don't think it has any on the up," one scrap dealer said.

With reports of increased inventory of shredded scrap in the northeast, more bearish pricing opinions were heard in that area. Stronger sentiment was heard in Chicago and further west where supply appears to be more balanced. 

"Our market will be down just a bit it looks like," one scrap dealer said of the Detroit area. "We think between sideways and $10 on most grades."

Mills began canceling scrap orders last week and others indicated they intended to cancel orders at close of business on Monday. "I think the mills are going into winter and they are going to wonder where they are going to get scrap," one southeast scrap dealer said. "It will end up close to sideways."

Chatter in the market regarding impending or already implemented flat-rolled price increases heard on Monday added further confusion to pricing direction for scrap. The Platts daily assessment for shredded material was maintained Monday at $358-363/lt delivered Midwest mill.
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US raw steel output edges down, mostly in South: AISI
US raw steel production slipped 1.3% week on week, as the largest region, the South, dropped 3.5%, according to data published by the American Iron and Steel Institute on Monday.

In the week ended Saturday, US mills produced 1.85 million st of raw steel, down from 1.88 million st in the week ended September 21. Average capability utilization dropped to 77.3% last week from 78.3%. Steel output is up 5.8% compared to the year-ago week, when mills made 1.75 million st operating at 70.4% capability utilization.

Year-to-date steel production totaled 72.2 million st through Saturday, which is 3.3% lower than the 74.6 million st made in the year-ago period. Average capability utilization this year has been 77.2%, slightly up from 77% in the same period last year.

Southern steel production fell 3.5% on week to 661,000 st, down from 685,000 st. North East steel output also fell 2.3% last week to 212,000 st, down from 217,000 st. Great Lakes steel production edged down 0.9%to 648,000 st on week, from 654,000 st.

Midwest steel production ticked up 0.4% to 242,000 st, up from 241,000 st. Western steel output rallied to 89,000 st, an 11.3% increase from 80,000 st produced the week before.

AISI determines its weekly raw steel production data based on weekly data from 50% of the domestic industry and estimates the rest using monthly production data.
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Gerdau to deliver first flats shipments in October
Brazil steelmaker Gerdau will deliver its initial shipments of flat products in October, the company told Platts. The deliveries will be made approximately one and a half months after the company's first-ever flats unit came online.

Gerdau did not disclose the volumes, shipment dates or destinations of the products.

Gerdau's hot-rolled coil unit was constructed at its Ouro Branco longs mill in the southern state of Minas Gerais. It will has the capacity to produce 800,000 mt/year. 

Gerdau also plans to start production of heavy plates in two years (phase two) with capacity of 1.1 million mt/year at the same site. Prior company statements pegged the cost of the flats production project at Real 2.4 billion ($1.08 billion) total.
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Metal One announces heavy plate processing jv
Trader Metal One and manufacturing group Shibaura, both of Japan, have established a new company to process heavy plate in Brazil. Named Metal One Shibaura Brasil Ltda, the business is based in the municipality of Capivari, 136km from São Paulo city in the southeastern state of São Paulo.

"Full-scale operations are expected to start in April 2014," said Metal One in a statement, noting that construction work has already started. The facility will receive total investments of Real 50 million ($22.49 million). The company did not specific what equipment would be installed.

Metal One owns 60% of the shares of jv, while Shibaura owns 40%.

The mill initially will have the capacity to process 1,000 mt of plate/month for the yellow goods. Metal One said in a statement that it plans to later expand the facility's capacity.
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Chile rebar prices remain stagnant on sluggish market
Chile's rebar market ended September with few negotiations and no change in prices compared with late August, according to distributors and service centers. Negotiations were harmed by the national independence holiday that was officially held September 18 and 19, but in fact halted activity for one week and slowed business for an additional week.

"The country's monthly rebar consumption is usually around 50,000 metric tons, but we are closing the month probably near 30,000 mt," a source said. 

Shipments were about 30% and 50% lower than in typical months at two distribution centers contacted by Platts. 

Although market sources were expecting a late August hike to bump prices up an additional 3% in early September, on top of a 4.5% elevation that occurred in mid-August, the lack of activity resulted in prices remaining unchanged. 

Deals for rebar grade A630 were still being closed at an average of Chile Peso 440,000/mt ($872/mt) delivered in Santiago, excluding the mandatory IVA tax (19%). 

"For large volume orders, of around 700 mt and above, it is possible to get discounts of up to 5%, also discounts are available depending on the buyer's relationship with the mill," a source said. 

Chile distributors, traders and service centers generally make weekly orders of volumes between 100-300 mt, or larger purchases when requested by clients from the construction or mining sectors. 

For the coming months, sources believe the price of rebar will not suffer significant changes, despite pressure from low-priced imports. Spanish and Turkish product is reportedly entering Chile priced at Peso 425,000 mt ($842/mt) and Peso 380,000/mt ($753/mt), respectively. Both prices are CFR Valparaíso port.
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Venezuela's Sidor restarts steel output after 10-day strike
Workers at Venezuela’s largest integrated steelmaker Sidor went back to work on September 28 after a 10-day strike, the company confirmed Monday.

Sidor's union, Sutiss, was demanding better working conditions and pay increases, as well as additional maintenance work and investments in the plant. It won a commitment from the country's president, Nicolás Maduro, who announced that investment is guaranteed to Sidor. But he stressed that "Sidor does not belong to a union group, it belongs to the people of Venezuela."

According to well-placed sources, the company lost around $20 million per day on average during the strike. The source is basing the estimate on the state-owned steelmaker operating at its planned output of roughly 3.5 million mt this year, but Sidor only worked at about 55% of this target in the first half.

Sidor's slab and billet production, as well as its flats and longs rolling mills have resumed operation. Meanwhile, pellet and DRI units are said to be operating now at very limited levels due to some operational issues, which may take about six weeks of repair.

Sidor has annual liquid steel production capacity of 5.1 million mt. It makes flats, longs and tubes.
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ArcelorMittal reduces stake in Algeria, launches expansion
ArcelorMittal has reached an agreement with the state-owned Algerian company Sider over an investment plan and the ownership of its assets in Algeria. The company is reducing its shareholding in ArcelorMittal Annaba and ArcelorMittal Tebessa from 70% to 49% while Sider’s stake will rise from 30% to 51%.

The shift in shareholding comes as the companies agreed a $763 million investment for the steelworks at Annaba and the iron ore mines in Ouenza and Boukhadra. The new plan includes the previously announced project to more than double the mill’s production capacity, to 2.2 million metric tons/year by 2017.

According to the plan, the Annaba mill will see the modernization of the blast furnace, the sinter plant and the rolling mills. In addition to that, a new electric arc furnace will be built with a continuous caster and a new rolling mill for rebar and wire rod of a capacity of 1 million mt/year.

“We are pleased to have reached this agreement with Sider, with whom we have always enjoyed a strong relationship. The agreement will enable ArcelorMittal Annaba and ArcelorMittal Tebessa to play a long-term role in Algeria’s steel and mining industries,” Michel Wurth, member of ArcelorMittal’s management board, said. 

The company added in a statement that the plan would “positively contribute to the government’s drive to promote self-sufficiency in steel.” Algeria is currently a major importer of long products.
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CITIC moves delayed Sino Iron project into production
Hong Kong-listed CITIC Pacific said Monday it had brought line one of its Sino Iron magnetite iron ore project in Western Australia into production. But the company had yet to set a new start date for exports as it was "still assessing the situation," a CITIC spokeswoman told Platts Monday, adding that output from line one would be stockpiled until exports commence.

Commissioning of the project's 4 million mt/year line one has been under way since late July. It originally began last November, but was delayed by technical problems. Sino Iron had been due to make its first shipment of magnetite in late May, but abandoned the target due to the difficulties. 

Commissioning has also begun at the project's 4 million mt/y line two after the completion of repairs to the motor that powers the grinding mill, CITIC said. Sino Iron could eventually comprise six lines, each producing 4 million mt/y of concentrate, for a total of 24 million mt/y. CITIC claims on its website the project will be the world's largest magnetite iron ore mine.

Some 4-6 million mt/y of its output could be processed into pellets at Cape Preston, near Karratha. 
The project will supply iron ore to CITIC's steel plants and to other steel producers in China, the company said.
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US flats prices fall; S European CR and HDG levels down: TSI
The latest reference prices released by The Steel Index (TSI) yesterday, covering transactions reported during last week, show that all its US flats and plate prices fell since the previous week. Although both European HR coil prices increased, most other coil levels dropped. Both European rebar prices and northern European plate level were all unchanged since a week earlier. 

The weekly average of daily US HR coil reference prices FOB Midwest mill dropped by $5/short ton from last week's average to $642/st ($707/metric ton). CR coil price fell by 0.5% and HDGalvanized coil price was $9/st lower since last week. The 4-week rolling average delivery lead-times for uncoated coils are longer. US plate reference price FOB Midwest mill fell by $8/st to $712/st ($785/mt).

The average of daily HR coil reference prices ex-works in southern Europe gained by €3/mt from last week's average. CR coil reference price fell by 0.9% to €531/mt ($717/mt). HDG coil price also decreased by €3/mt. 4-week average lead-times for uncoated coils are longer than last week. Southern European plate reference price gained by €3/mt to €515/mt ($695/mt). 

In northern Europe, the average of daily HR coil reference prices rose by €1/mt from last week's average. CR coil price slipped by 0.2%, while HDGalvanised coil reference price rose to €551/mt ($744/mt). 4-week rolling average lead-times for uncoated coils are longer. Northern European plate price ex-works was unchanged since last week. 

The northern European rebar reference price ex-works was unchanged since a week earlier at €483/mt ($652/mt). The average of Platts FOB Black Sea export billet prices for last week dropped by $1/mt to $494/mt, and the rebar-billet spread rose to $158/mt. 

Companies wishing to receive TSI's full set of reference prices can apply on TSI's website www.thesteelindex.com .
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TSI's 62% index falls in September; monthly average down 2%
The price for 62% Fe iron ore fines fell slowly but steadily in the first half of September from a recent high at the start of the month, according to the daily iron ore reference prices released by The Steel Index (TSI). Daily prices increased slightly by around 2% from the low point on 17 September but then dropped again in the last few days of the month, At the end of September the benchmark price for 62% Fe content iron ore fines was 4.6% lower than at the end of August, having fallen from $137.70/dry metric ton before finishing at $131.40/dmt CFR Tianjin port, China. 

The market for lower grades fell more sharply until mid-September, but remained above $122/dmt, and then also rebounded before falling back at the end of the month. The reference price for 58% Fe content iron ore fines ended September at $122.00/dmt, down 6.1% from the end of August. 

TSI also published its monthly average prices for September. It is $134.19/dmt for the 62% Fe fines benchmark product, calculated as the mean of all the daily reference prices for this product during the calendar month. This is used as the final settlement price for September for iron ore swaps, options and futures cleared on the Singapore Exchange (SGX), LCH.Clearnet (London), CME Group (Chicago), NOS Clearing (Oslo), Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and ICEX (India). This settlement price is 2.1% lower than August’s. 

The monthly and quarterly averages are also used for index-based pricing in physical contracts. The Q3 quarterly average price is $132.57/dmt, just above the end-September spot price but more than 5% above the Q2 average. TSI's monthly average September price for 62% Fe content fines with low alumina (2% Al), which is also used as the basis for index-based pricing, is $135.00/dmt, a m-o-m decrease of 2.2%. 

TSI, a specialist pricing unit within Platts, compiles reference prices based on spot market transaction data. Further details can be found on its website www.thesteelindex.com.
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Ex-Xstrata Davis secures $1 billion for new mining venture
Former Xstrata CEO Mick Davis has raised $1 billion investment for his newly established private mining venture X2 Resources, the companies involved announced Monday. "Under the terms of the agreement with X2, trading house Noble Group and private investment firm TPG will each invest $500 million," the investors said in a statement.

X2 Resources was established by Davis, Trevor Reid and a team of former Xstrata executives to seek value-creating opportunities in the mining and metals sector. Noble will be X2 Resources' preferred marketer and provider of supply chain management and logistics services, while TPG brings global investment experience and resources, deal flow and access to investors, the statement said.

The aim of X2 Resources is to create a new mid-tier diversified mining and metals group by identifying and acquiring assets and business opportunities. No specific metals or areas of interest were identified. Before leaving Xstrata after Glencore’s takeover, Davis had highlighted iron ore as a commodity offering growth opportunities.

Brokerage SP Angel said in a market comment Monday that it viewed now as a "great time" to acquire assets in the metals and mining sector. "Valuations have been hammered by a flow of funds out of the sector... Investors who follow Davis and other turnaround specialists in the sector could make a killing from these assets," the brokerage said.
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