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Giá than cốc ở Inđônêxia

( Tỉ giá: 1NDT = 0.1541USD )

Indonesian Coking Coal Price

Unit: yuan/tonne



 Place of origin




gas coal A8.5 S0.8 V<42 G>92 Y15 Indonesia - - Ex-Ships Hold; incl. tax

No transaction

gas fat coal A8 S0.8 V<37(dry basis) G>90 Y20 Indonesia 1390 - FOT with tax; Jingtang port

40% volatile content

fat clean coal A6.64 S0.83 V27.2 G99 Y27 Indonesia USD217 - FOB

A<9, G>80

prime coking coal A6.42 V25.7(dry basis) S0.77 G95 Y24 MT7.8 Indonesia - - Ex-Ships Hold; incl. tax

No transaction

prime coking coal A8 V28 S0.8 G90 Y20 Indonesia 1830 - Spot price at port; incl. tax

No transaction