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Giá than cốc ở Nga

( Tỉ giá: 1NDT = 0.1464USD )

Russian Coking Coal Price on Nov 20

Unit: (yuan/ton;$/ton)

Name Spe.  Place of origin


Ups/downs  Note
Fat coal A8.5 S0.6 V30 G100 Y24 Russia 1250  - Delivery price incl. port surcharges, Jingtang port
Lean coking coal (K9) A9.5 V<17 S0.25 G75 Y8 155 CIF, Tianjin port
Lean coking coal A9.6 V16.5 G80 Y11 S0.2 1240 FOT, Tianjin port
Fat coal A8.5V36S0.6 Mt9 G100 Y24 1250 Tianjin port Self-delivery
Coking coal A8.9 V28 S0.5 Y17 MT8.3 168 CIF, Chinese ports
Fat coal A9 V35 Y27 G90 S0.5 MT7.7 175 CIF, Chinese ports
A11.4 S0.5 V35 Y26 罗加62 155 CIF, Chinese ports
1/3 coking coal V37 A9 S0.6 Y18 G86 145 CIF, Chinese ports, available in mid-Nov
Raw coking coal A20 S0.6 V30 G100 Y20 1000 Delivery price at Jingtang port