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Giá than cốc ở Nga

( Tỉ giá: 1NDT = 0.1541USD )


Russian Coking Coal Price

Unit: (yuan/tonne, VAT inclusive)

Name Spec.  Place of origin


Ups/downs  Note
1/3 coking coal A8.5 S0.8 V<39 Y15 G85 Russia 1300 - Delivery price at port
1/3 coking coal A10 S0.5 V<38 Y12 G67 1240 - Ex-Ship's Hold
gas fat coal A8.5 S0.6 V37 G>95 Y22 1350 - Delivery price at port

S<0.4 V:38~40 G95 Y17~18

lean coking coal A8 S0.3 V<23 Y7 G18 1430 - Ex-Ship's Hold
lean coking coal(K10) A10 V<17 S0.3 G75 Y8 1780 - Delivery price at port
prime coking coal A9.5,V<26,S0.65,G80,Y15 1750 - Ex-Ship's Hold
prime coking coal A9 S0.5,G102,Y16 - - Ex-Ship's Hold
prime coking coal A9 S0.5,G98,Y10 - - Ex-Ship's Hold; raw coal